Monday, February 23, 2015


This week I signed up for a twittter account under my avatar guise, I began following Architecture Record and ArchDaily along with other architecture accounts.

I have also created a Spotify account, and began downloading types of music that I have decided that my avatar is interested in, including classic rock, jazz, and classic symphony.

I visited the national park service website for national parks in Arizona and looked into parks with rivers that are good for kayaking. I signed up for updates and news about the parks here in Arizona.

Visited the American Mustache Institute and read their "About Us" and the Mustache Americana and the types of mustaches and styles

Searched Travel guides for going to see architecture in other countries

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Avatar Part 4

Sites Visited: searched through the site looking at information about what chakras area and where they originated from. I also took a chakra test
Crazy kayaking videos
 Danny Macaskill:The Ridge
Made an Account
Found cool places to go see here in town: Phoenix Observation Tower.

reading assignment #2

Ian Griffin

1.  At what point do you think "The John Irving Problem" truly becomes a problem?

 The Point in which this becomes a real problem I my eyes is when the personalization starts to filter out the opposing views of topics, such as if a republican only sees books about that type of view they will never fully understand why they are republican, because they do not know or even see the democratic view. Also when people are trying to find something new that haven't seen before and thanks to the personalization of these algorithms a person would have to go out of their way to find it, and it may only be catered to the views of  authors they have always read not an author that is different.

2.  Do you have the tendency to freely share when asked (as Mark Zuckerberg counted on when building Facebook?  If so, why do you think you have that trait?

I do not have a tendency to freely share when asked, especially online for everyone to see. I am this way because if a person really wants to know my point of view they will ask me. Overall I am not in to the technology that thrives upon this, it leaves room for unwanted comments, and reactions from people whom I may not want to have asked in the first place.

3.  Do you consider "The Big Board" to be good information to share with writers/reporters?  If so, why?  If not, why not?

I do not believe that "The Big Board" is good information to share with reporters/writers, because if every were to write about the think that was most popular then there would be much to say about that topic that someone hasn’t already. Another reason would be that all information is important to someone, and not reporting or writing about things that the majority of people don't like is unfair to the people that do in fact like or have an interest in said topic. People would stop writing an reporting on things the in particularly care about or have knowledge of and just settling for the status quo.

Monday, February 9, 2015


Avatar screenshots:

-Keystone Pipeline




-Barack Obama

-John Boehner

-European Union


Personal Screenshots:

-Keystone Pipeline




-Barack Obama

-John Boehner

-European Union
