Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Return Sites:
-Twitter: Continued to follow my political party and register click signals on their account. I also continued with retweeting post that my avatar would like and looked for more interest
-Pinterest:  Scrolled through my existing pins and looked into some new ones and ended up pinning several democratic  pins as well as republican jokes. I also continued to pin gardening and out remodeling pins. I started to like pins about oriental foods.
-Architecture Daily: When I returned to the site I was greeted by  a hello and a message in my in box because I haven't been to this site in a couple of weeks, or at least since I have registered with them. I scrolled through and click on articles dealing with news pertaining to architecture and building technologies and materials.

New Sites: I read about what meditation is and how it can positively affect  a person views on life. I browsed through the site and clicked on meditation essential reads and read a few articles. I looked up the top oriental food places in Arizona, and gave me a list of the top 10 places to go and eat. I personally never look up new food places online, I choose to just walk into new places and give them a try, but since I have been browsing the internet it has been nice learning about new things this way. I ended up actually going and trying one of these places called "Chou's Kitchen" on Alma School in Chandler

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